International performance opportunities are an activity that a school’s music program participates in while on overseas music tours. A music tour group being involved in an international performance can enhance a schools reputation and music program in many ways as well as being a fun event for students to work towards, such as making the school more well-known around the world, showcasing the talent and education of the school’s music division, encouraging other students to try joining the school music program, and becoming positively associated with certain events or festivals, improving how the music program is thought of in the public eye. 

By increasing the school’s profile and reputation, students may also begin to put in greater time and effort into representing the school, and joining the programs that will allow them to flourish worldwide. The following are the benefits of international performances for school music programs. 

Increase School Visibility

Putting on good performances in overseas events and festivals will increase the school’s profile and general visibility from both the audience of the performances and from staff involved in the performance events. By having greater fame, the school may benefit by being well known. 

Families looking to move overseas may choose to go to a school they know is high-quality based on the talent and skill displayed by the school’s music program in these festivals and events. Others may send their children to an overseas school because the music program and general education may be better than what is locally offered, but they have a greater guarantee they may see their children sooner because of a set international performance date. 

Showcase The School’s Education

International performance opportunities are a chance for the school’s best musicians to show what they have learned in a professional and public space. A school may show that their education programs encourage skill, passion, mastery, helps students gain wide and intense experiences through the performance tours, as well as show the general identity of their schools spirit.

The school may also show that it is willing to challenge its students in safe and interesting ways, but asking them to leave their comfort zones of home and take responsibility for themselves away from their parents, which can also prepare students for their future careers.

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Encourage Other Students To Pick Up Music

An international performance opportunity could also attract more students to the music program, for both the chance to travel as part of the school’s orchestra, and to be part of the international performances, which could become a point of pride that students will be invested in maintaining. 

With more students being interested in studying music, the school will have a reason to dedicate more resources to the music program. This not only allows more students to pick up a new instrument, but it also means the performances on international tours can become better and better as the program gains more traction. 

Become Associated With Prestigious Events

By making sure a performance tour attends the same event multiple times and consistently puts on the highest quality performance they can, that school can become a mainstay of certain events and festivals, gathering a following and becoming well thought of by the local community due to the quality and effort the program continually shows. The association will not only make the school more famous, but will increase the general prestige the school is associated with as a constant sight on high-quality events.